


Compatible with iOS 8, 9, 10**, and** 11

Compatimark displays a blue or golden shied icon on package cells in Cydia. View whether a package is compatible with your device at a glance.

How does this work?

By using the tags included in the package control file, Compatimark can mark a package as compatible.

All packages on Packix support Compatimark out of the box. All their developers need to do is set the supported firmwares for packages in their developer dashboard.

BigBoss compatible tags only list firmwares by major revision number; iOS 9, iOS 10, iOS 11 etc. Due to this, these packages will only appear with a blue icon when you are on a supported main firmware. Since specific compatibility tags aren't present, a precise decision on the compatibility can't be made.

If your favorite developer isn't on Packix, they can still add support for Compatimark by including the compatible_min and compatible_max tags in their control file.

For example, this is the control file for this package

Package: com.cpdigitaldarkroom.compatimark

Name: Compatimark

Depends: mobilesubstrate, cydia (>= 1.1.19)

Version: 1.0

Architecture: iphoneos-arm

Description: Mark Compatible Cydia Packages

Maintainer: CP Digital Darkroom [email protected]

Author: CP Digital Darkroom [email protected]

Section: Tweaks

Tag: purpose::extension, compatible_min::ios 9, compatible_max::ios 11.4





July 22nd, 2018

iOS Compatibility

8.0 - 11.4

What's New

  • No changelog provided


CP Digital Darkroom