Neo-Classic iOS
Themes (Icons)
"Nostalgia mixed with modern vibe"
- Full theme experience with app icons, setting icons, two folder themes, dock and blurred reflections.
- Now includes over 160 icons for 143 apps, and more is coming!
Welcome to Neo-Classic theme! It's been 8 years since we entered "Flat Material UI" era (a.k.a. iOS 7). Ever since Apple give us the option to theme up our phone in iOS 14, many of us really miss the golden skeuomorphic design before iOS 7. However, the UI elements of modern iOS didn't really match well with the classic icons. Well, this Neo-Classic theme is a perfect solution! This theme not only kept the iconic elements of skeuomorphic design such as real-world object but also flattened out many complicated and redundant elements like textures, reflections, and etc. Being inspired by icons from iOS 4 to iOS 6, Neo-Classic theme keeps the balance of that nostalgia and modern mix. Hope you guys will like it!
Requires the following Snowboard Extension:
- Snowboard Icon Mask Extension
- Snowboard Icon Effects Extension
- Snowboard Labels Extension
- Snowboard Dock Extension
- Snowboard Settings Icons Extension
Snowboard Extensions can be found at SparkDev Repo:
More icons are still in the progress of making. Here is the link to request icons you want to have:
June 7th, 2021
iOS Compatibility
13.0 - 14.4
What's New
- Added 17 new icons
- Added icons for the following apps: Facebook Business Manager, Crash Reporter, iCleaner Pro, CocoaTop, TweakSettings, PowerSelection, WhatsApp Business, Duolingo, Sileo, Bundley, TestFlight, Spark Email, Documents, SoundCloud
- Merged two sets of alternative icons into one set