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A12 supported now

Support: Works as of latest version of Instagram

This tweak unlocks Instagram's internal settings to unleash it's power.


  1. Block Sponsored Ads in Main Feed

  2. Block Sponsored Ads in Story

  3. Block Direct Message(DM) Seen - You can see others "seen" text but they can't see yours.

  4. Block Story Viewed - Do not allow people to know that you viewed their story, Your name won't appear in their viewers list.

  5. Enable Business account - Have a visible promotions button in your profile.(Screenshot 1)

  6. Enable Insights - Below every of your uploaded photos in your profile and stories viewers list there will be an "Insights" button where you can view analytics which include how many saves your photo have. (Screenshot 2 & 3)

  7. Enable Fictitious Verified Badge - Have the blue verified tick button in your account (Only for self-viewing purpose, will not be available when others view your account)

  8. Enable Fictitious Following count - Set custom following number. (Only for self-viewing purpose, will not be available when others view your account)

  9. Enable Fictitious Followers count - Set custom followers number. (Only for self-viewing purpose, will not be available when others view your account)

  10. Enable Fictitious Likes count - Set custom number of likes for all photos. (Only for self-viewing purpose, will not be available when others view your account)

  11. Disable Main Feed Stories - Disable stories in your main feed page.

  12. Load More Pages - Load 3 pages instead of 1 on each refresh or when scrolled to the end.

  13. Disable Video auto-play

  14. Disable page swiping - Disable swiping gesture on main screen (e.g camera, main feed, DM)

  15. Remove Explore feed + stories - Makes explore page blank with only the search option working.

*Email me for more features you would like included.

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3





February 25th, 2020

iOS Compatibility

9.0 - 12.1.3

What's New

  • Add A12 Support

