iOS 12 only
The highly customizable volume hud.
Sonus12 a beautiful looking replacement for the annoying stock volume hud. It is completely customizable to your needs. Optimized for iOS 12 and works with A12/ARM64e devices.
Adjust all the things.
A volume HUD on the bottom of your device?
You can have that.
Hide the status bar time while showing the hud?
Sure, why not.
Huge full width bar on top of your device?
Eh, go for it.
Orange overlay, green indicator icons and purple volume bar?
Please don’t.
Share your preset/settings with others?
You now can!
Works across all iPhones.
- Tested on iPhone 8 iOS 12.1.1, iPhone X iOS 12.1.1 and iPhone SE iOS 11.3.1.
- Works with NoNotch and Notchless
- Works with Noctis and Eclipse
- For iOS 11 please see information on the bottom
All available customization options.
- Slider/bar colors
- Slider/bar rounded corners
- Enable/disable overlay backdrop
- Overlay color
- Overlay shadow
- Overlay blur
- Overlay border radius
- Show volume percentage
- Show ringer indicator icon
- Show media indicator icon
- Show only one indicator icon
- Indicator color
- Hide either time, carrier, battery or the complete status bar
Size and position
- Height and width of the slider/bar
- Vertical position (x-position)
- Horizontal position (y-position)
- Overlay padding (top & bottom separate)
- Overlay margin (space from the side)
Animation and haptics
- Enable/disable fade animation
- Time on screen duration
- Animation duration
- Slider/bar volume change duration
- Enable/disable haptic feedback at 0% & 100%
- Import presets
- Export presets
Known issues.
- While in call doesn't hide call indicator on iPhone X
- Does not work well with NicebarX
- If you have issues installing make sure to add https://repo.nepeta.me/ to your sources to install „libcolorpicker“
iOS 11 information:
- Hiding the time/carrier name does not work correctly on modern status bar devices (carrier is always hidden)
- Has some issues with hiding single status bar items.
- Sometimes shows the volume hud when the video volume hud is shown.

May 13th, 2019
iOS Compatibility
12 - 12.9
What's New
- Added presets to share and backup your settings
- Added option to toggle the rounded corners of the volume bar
- Optimized status bar toggling
- Reduced the number of notification centers used in apps for status bar items modification
- Reorganized status bar preferences