iThemer is a simple, yet powerful theme engine that allows you to theme most of your device.
iThemer currently supports the following:
- Theming home screen icons using the IconBundles @2x/3x/~large methods.
- Systemwide UI (.car/.artwork files) for in-App UI/StatusBar/Control Center etc theming.
- Bundles/Folders theming for APP UI / Tweak settings icons etc.
- Page Dots (using ANEMPageDots or MagicDots)
- ClassicDock support (SBDockBG style docks)
- Custom Badges
- Calendar and Clock theming
- Clock hand theming
- Settings Icons
- UISounds
- System wide font and emoji support
- Overlays and shadows (compatible with AnemoneEffects or IconOmatic themes)
- Icon Masks
- Dock Reflections
- Folder Customization (compatible with ANEMFolderIconBG and ANEMFolderBackground)
- FolderIcons based on folder names
- and more on the way!
Upcoming for near future release:
- Re-Add dock support for iPads and iPhone users running floating dock tweaks (FloatyDock etc)
- Possibly a stand alone app and better theme application method
I am still considering iThemer a beta, and I hope to keep adding more features as time goes on. I plan to have a more user friendly theme applying method once I have the time (if someone familiar with creating Apps wants to give a hand, please let me know).

May 28th, 2020
iOS Compatibility
10.0 - 13.5
What's New
- Fixed reported bugs
- Some performance improvements
- Added back UISounds with support for arm64/e
- Nothing new this release, just bugs and performance. Next release will have new features including iOS 13 wifi/signal theming, a better application method and more