CustomSounds 2
CustomSounds 2 is compatible with both iOS and iPadOS 13-14
CustomSounds 2 is a tweak that allows users to set custom system sounds on their device.
- Cephei (Chariz Repo)
- libnebbs (Packix Repo)
- Charge Sound
- Keyboard Sound
- Lock Sound
- Passcode Sound
- Respring Sound
- Unlock Sound
- Volume Sound
If you need any support regarding one of my tweaks, feel free to contact me on Twitter. Please be aware that I do get quite a lot of spam and bot messages, so it may take me a day or two before I am able to get back to you. Another way you can contact me is by joining my Discord Server. Once you join, just ping me and I'll be sure to respond when I can.
If you have any suggestions for a new tweak, or new feature(s) for an existing tweak, please feel free to share them with me on Twitter or in my Discord Server! I can't always think of everything myself, so I'm always 100% open to suggestions, and each one is incredibly appreciated.

January 4th, 2021
iOS Compatibility
13.0 - 14.5
What's New
- Updated to include changes in libnebbs